Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Geometry in Chemistry

Geometry in ChemistryMany of the classes at chemistry consist of a lot of repetition of geometric shapes such as the pyramid, rectangular and circular shapes. Chemists can learn all of these geometric shapes by using a little math known as geometry.What is geometry? A triangle is just a line. The geometric shapes that are necessary for chemistry involve things that are in two dimensions. We may recognize a cubic tetragon, which is a cube with four faces, but this shape is more complex.What are the shapes we need to know? We have found that there are six basic shapes: hexagon, octagon, square, triangle, circle and quadrilateral. All of these shapes are created from one or more lines. A line can be drawn with a pencil, crayon, marker or pen. Sometimes a circle is also drawn to create a shape.When we look at the chemical formula, we see geometric shapes that appear when we try to calculate the volume of the substance or mixture. When we think about the volume of these formulas, we can t hink about how the formula changes when we add or subtract certain elements to the formula. We see that the angles of the equation change as we do this.We may also see a line curve around the vertex of a formula and notice that it curves away from the origin as the scale goes up. This means that it goes away from the point that has the formula for the specific element. We will learn more about these geometric shapes in Chemistry.We need to find formulas for elements that vary from each other. These elements have the same mass or number of protons, but are in different places on the periodic table. When we find the right geometric shape for an element, we can use it to make the right part ofa chemical formula for that element.Name me a part that has only one part of the formula for an element? The part may just have one number, but it might be the only part of the equation. You will see this a lot when you look at the periodic table. In the element uranium, there may be just one numb er, but there could be thousands of atoms in a particular sample. This is all part of the geometry.Geometry is so important in chemistry because it helps us figure out how many atoms of a particular substance has. It is also used to help us learn how many parts a material has, what the normal density is, and how much of the substance is by itself.

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